5 Inch Dhankute Horn Khukuri

  • 5 Inch Dhankute Horn Khukuri-0
  • 5 Inch Dhankute Horn Khukuri-0
  • 5 Inch Dhankute Horn Khukuri-8067

This is 5 Inch Dhankute Horn Khukuri .Dhankuta is a small village located in the eastern part of Nepal and this type of khukuri is mostly made in this village.


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Product price: $30.00
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SKU: EKH-EGSD-02 Category:
Weight 400 g
Blade Size and Type

5 inch(12.5cm) and polished blade,Handmade.

Handle Size and Type

3.5 inch (8.75cm) and Fixed blade handle.

Hardness of steel

spine=22-25 RC, belly=45-46 RC, edge=54-55 RC.

Overall length

8.5 inches.

Place of Origin

Dhankuta(Eastern part of Nepal).

Material Used

Highly Graded Carbon Steel (car & jeep leaf spring,5160)for blade.Buffalo horn for Scabbard,Buffalo horn for the handle,Brass and “Laha” (Nepali Traditional Glue).


Certificate of Guarantee, Tag, Wrapping Lokta Paper,RGR Cap Bazz,National Flag of Nepal.

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