Khukuri Maintenance
General Information of Khukuri / kukri unsheathing – Khukuri Maintaining:
It requires carefulness when unsheathing the Khukuri/kukri. Do not encircle the Scabbard with your fingers while you are taking the Khukuri/kukri out. Some time, the blade comes out from the sheath and it may cause injury on your inner fingers. Hold upper edge of the scabbard with your palm and fingers and then draw the blade out slowly. It should be pushed it back making curve and as well as slowly when drawing the blade in.
- Keep the blade well lubricated at all times. Your blade is made of high-carbon and can rust of not properly oiled.
- Make sure do not leave fingerprint on the blade. If it is necessary to touch on the blade, you should clean it by using some petrol or oil after that.
- Incase rust develops, rub it off with fine sandpaper or sandstone, clean the dirt using some oil or petrol and wipe it off with a clean cloth and apply oil.
- You should use shoe polish for the leather sheaths, use the brass polish for brass fittings and silver polish for silver fittings (Kothimora Khukuris).
- The blunt knife (Chak-mak) is used for sharpening. But we recommend using file to make sharper the blade.
- When storing your Khukuri for long periods. Keep the blade outside the sheath. This will prevent the collection of moisture inside the sheath. Treat the scabbard with mink oil. Or another suitable leather product. This will keep your sheath leather conditioned and protected against moisture.
- Maintaining the appropriate edge will lengthen the life of your blade. Razor edges are not suitable for heavy chopping. Just as “axe” edges are not the best for shaving.
Your Khukuri is a dangerous weapon and should be treated as such. Please use them with caution and care. Keep your Khukuri/kukri away from minors. Avoid the blade from metallic surfaces and stones etc. Do not expose the scabbard to the sun for a long period of time as heating may help it to shrink a bit and hence making the blade difficult to insert.