14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri

  • 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri-0
  • 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri-7709
  • 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri-7710
  • 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri-0
  • 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri-7709
  • 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri-7710

This 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri latest product is of Ex Gurkha Khukuri House(EGKH). It is 14 inch blade and the handle seems like eagle so called Eagle kukuri. This particular knife’s name is come from the name of grass, ‘siru’. The shape of this khukuri blade is very much alike to the leaf of the Siru. The demand of this kukuri is quite higher in America so after we decided to keep the name of this kukuri as American Eagle SirupateKukuri. This type of kukri can be used in cutting meet, fruits etc. Among Gurkha Knives it is the standerd size blade which is easily portable and can be given as a gift and take home from Nepal as a Souveneir.


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Product price: $114.00
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SKU: EKH-ENRK-11 Category:
Weight 1000 g

This 14 Inch American Eagle Sirupate Kukri latest product is of Ex Gurkha Khukuri House(EGKH). It is 14 inch blade and the handle seems like eagle so called Eagle kukuri. This particular knife’s name is come from the name of grass, ‘siru’. The shape of this khukuri blade is very much alike to the leaf of the Siru. The demand of this kukuri is quite higher in America so after we decided to keep the name of this kukuri as American Eagle SirupateKukuri. This type of kukri can be used in cutting meet, fruits etc. Among Gurkha Knives it is the standerd size blade which is easily portable and can be given as a gift and take home from Nepal as a Souveneir. The handle is unique compared to other khukuri, the metal of the blade in the handle area is flat(full tang) and can be seen all around the handle. Rosewood or buffalo horn are joined strongly from both sides with two rivets which makes it stronger than the other khukuri (kukri). This is the One of the Best working Kukri. The notch (kaura or kaudi) in the blade near the hilt of most khukuris serves as conduit for the blood on the blade to drip out, thus preventing it from soiling the hilt, as well as a device for catching and neutralizing and enemy blade. The handle is more practical, more beautiful.

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