16 Inch American Eagle Xtrem Kukri

  • 16 Inch American Eagle Xtrem Kukri-0
  • 16 Inch American Eagle Xtrem Kukri-0
  • 16 Inch American Eagle Xtrem Kukri-8833

This is 16 Inch American Eagle Xtrem Kukri.This is the latest product of Ex-Gurkha Khukuri House(EGKH).It is 16 inch blade and the handle seems like eagle so called Eagle kukuri.The demand of this kukuri is quite higher in America so after we decided to keep the name of this kukuri as American Eagle Kukuri.This type of kukri can be used in cutting wood,meet,bamboo,fruits etc.Among Gurkha Knives it is the standerd size blade which is easily portable and can be given as a gift and take home from Nepal as a Souveneir. 


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Product price: $162.00
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SKU: EKH-NAK-31 Category:
Weight 1200 g
Blade Size and Type

16 inch(40cm) and Unpolised blade,Handmade.

Handle Size and Type

6 inch (15cm) and Full Tank blade handle.

Hardness of steel

spine=22-25 RC,belly=45-46 RC,edge=54-55 RC.

Overall length

22 inches.

Place of Origin

Dharan (Eastern part of Nepal).

Material Used



Certificate of Guarantee, Tag, Wrapping Lokta Paper,RGR Cap Bazz,National Flag of Nepal.

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