Full Tang 3 Fuller Heavy Farmer

  • Full Tang 3 Fuller Heavy Farmer-0
  • Full Tang 3 Fuller Heavy Farmer-0
  • Full Tang 3 Fuller Heavy Farmer-7673
  • Full Tang 3 Fuller Heavy Farmer-7674

This is of the latest product of Ex Gurkha Khukuri House(EGKH). this is 8″ 3 Chiras(Fuller) Farmer Kukri Panawala and Ang + khola are two different words that take two different meaning. Panawala is a popular village from eastern side of Nepal. This vary designed is come from the same village. First different of the khukuri made of this village is its handle. The handle of the khukuri from this village is always single piece that goes all the way through bottom of the blade. Ang means the back part of the human body and Khola means Kholeko (open). It means the blade part of this special design looks the same when a human back body is without cloth or it can say in simple language, up and down that is called Pata Pareko in Nepali language. This vary deisgn is famous for the heavy duty working knife to cut harder things like wood, fire-wood etc. The main reason to be single piece from the handle side is to grip the metal piece too while using.


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Product price: $90.00
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SKU: EKH-NR15K-06 Category:
Weight 1000 g


Blade Size and Type

8 inch (20.32cm) Hand Forged and Unpolished blade.

Handle Circumference

4 inch.

Handle Size and Type

4.5 inch (11.43cm) Water buffalo horn Full Tang handle.

Hardness of steel

spine= 22-25 RC, belly= 45-46 RC, edge= 58-60 RC

Lower Spine


Upper Spine


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