13″ Traditional Service No.1 Kukri

  • 61fUeWq8eJL._AC_SL1500_
  • 61fUeWq8eJL._AC_SL1500_
  • 61lulofUlML._AC_SL1500_
  • 51Yym0GveZL._AC_SL1500_
  • 71be06saNgL._AC_SL1000_
  • 71Y6p1Z2BoL._AC_SL1000_

This is a 13″ Service No.1 Bone & Wooden Handle Kukri, made by EGKH, Nepal. The blade is the same as the issue blade Service No.1 and Service No.1 khukuri (kukri) are the most common and popular khukuri amongst the soldiers. This khukuri (kukri) is provided to all the British soldiers during enlistment and is retained by them throughout their army career.


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Product price: $165.00
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Order total: $165.00
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Blade Size and Type

13" High Graded Carbon Steel, 5160. Highly Polished Blade.



Handle Circumference

4.1 Inch.

Lower Spine


Upper Spine

10 mm.

Hardness of steel

22-25 RC, belly= 45-46 RC, edge= 58-60 RC.

Material Used

Bone, High Graded 5160 Carbon Steel, Pinewood, Refined Water Buffalo Leather


Daily Regular Work, Outdoor Bushcrafting, Collection, Jungle warfare, Hunting, Hiking, Camping.

Place of Origin:

Hand Forged at EGKH Factory Outlet in Kathmandu Nepal.


Actual Blade Weight (gm): 725, Overall weight (gm): 850, Shipping weight (gm): 1500.

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